How to Make Skyrim Fun Again With Mods
Posted 04 March 2014 - 02:18 PM
I used to dear skyrim, I could play for hours without boredom, I had about 6-10 characters, I've played assassin, battlemage, 1h warrior, 2h warrior, archer. I have played pretty much every quest and dlc, not to mention a lot of mods. I got bored so I quit. I've been playing borderlands 2, nba 2k14, ncaa 14, ch2k8 for a while and I want to try playing skyrim once more for one last playthrough. What can I practise to brand it fun? Like what class should I do (no assassin), what mods should I get, etc.
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Posted 04 March 2014 - 03:07 PM
I used to love skyrim, I could play for hours without boredom, I had near 6-10 characters, I've played assassin, battlemage, 1h warrior, 2h warrior, archer. I have played pretty much every quest and dlc, non to mention a lot of mods. I got bored so I quit. I've been playing borderlands ii, nba 2k14, ncaa xiv, ch2k8 for a while and I desire to try playing skyrim again for one last playthrough. What can I do to get in fun? Like what form should I do (no assassin), what mods should I go, etc.
do not restart playing again , i stopped playing for more than than eight months and and so restarted by completely reinstalling the game and i beloved it every bit mich every bit before
2 nd option crank up the difficulty with mods and play some crazy builds
something like a naked warrior using only a shield amending and restoration spells and enchanted jewelry
another one i did was a succubus custom race and use *** to fight your way thru skyrim , you do know where to find those developed mods right
just a few example to at that place many other builds apply your imagination merely make certain you got a backstory for your graphic symbol and stick with information technology
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Posted 24 March 2014 - 01:57 AM
exercise not restart playing again , i stopped playing for more than 8 months and then restarted by completely reinstalling the game and i love information technology as mich as earlierI used to honey skyrim, I could play for hours without boredom, I had well-nigh 6-10 characters, I've played assassin, battlemage, 1h warrior, 2h warrior, archer. I have played pretty much every quest and dlc, not to mention a lot of mods. I got bored and so I quit. I've been playing borderlands 2, nba 2k14, ncaa 14, ch2k8 for a while and I want to try playing skyrim again for ane final playthrough. What can I do to make it fun? Like what grade should I do (no assassin), what mods should I get, etc.
two nd option crank up the difficulty with mods and play some crazy builds
something like a naked warrior using only a shield alteration and restoration spells and enchanted jewelry
another i i did was a succubus custom race and use *** to fight your way thru skyrim , you do know where to find those adult mods correct
just a few case to there many other builds use your imagination just make certain you got a backstory for your graphic symbol and stick with information technology
Nope, I don't know where to find those mods lol.
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Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:03 AM
But go with Sands of Time. It'south going to be fun.
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Posted 24 March 2014 - 06:27 PM
When I find myself getting bored with the game, I browse around the character builds at the Skyrim Blog for inspiration. A few of my favourite playthroughs came from builds posted there. Getting into a different kind of character can brand yous look at the game in an entirely different mode if you accept the roleplaying elements seriously plenty and can observe the mods to back information technology upward.
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Posted 24 March 2014 - 07:22 PM
Here are my suggestions:
1. Learn to create mods. I am but a beginner merely I tell you modding can not but be totally absorbing, it also gives yous a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the mods other people make.
2. Try some different overhaul mods-- for example if you were using Skyre endeavour one of the others. Merely wait though the game play and overhaul mods for something new and intriguing.
3. If you lot haven't tried Interesting NPCs I enthusiastically recommend that. That modern opens up the depth of the game in a way that was truly missing earlier.
4. Finally, I like starting my game using the Random Alternate Start mod, then creating a character, custom followers, etc based on where that modern drops me into the earth.
The first few play-throughs, I tried to do .everything. Yet, I accept come to believe that doing that dilutes my graphic symbol to the point where it is non office playing, simply errands. Now I only do the parts that seem right for the character and make my decisions based on character congruence rather than being able to check off quests. There are a few mods that help with this by allowing you to delay the start of quests, avert quests entirely, or remove them from your quest journal.
(I say all this afterward having just taken a intermission for most iii months... I've nothing against breaks, there are tons of games out there!)
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Posted 24 March 2014 - 08:26 PM
My suggestion is I cycle through other Tes games when boredom strikes I can savor Morrowind or Oblivion just equally much as Skyrim. If you ask nearly Tes fans they would probably point to Morrowind being one of the better games of the series. Play some of the older games take a few months off then come up dorsum to Skyrim over again and try out the new mods that are effectually by then.
Edited past Bloodinfested, 24 March 2014 - 08:thirty PM.
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Posted 24 March 2014 - 08:54 PM
I've been having a picayune fun with CCO (character creation overhaul) which forces your graphic symbol into a more 'role playing' blazon aspect. Makes it more like Oblivion, whrere your character creation choices (race/skills, ect) brand a huge difference.
I also recomend AFT, (astonishing follower tweaks) which not only gives you the ability to enlist multiple followers, it also lets you mold the followers into any sort of graphic symbol yous wish to employ. For instance, I make Lydia into a 'spellsword" which gives her the ability to soften-up her opponents with magic earlier she attacks with her melee weapon.
Some other modernistic is OBIS (organized bandits in skyrim) this one can really makes brigand encounters interesting,...MUCH more interesting, and, is utterly configurable as is AFT. OBIS is also configuralbe via MCM.
Anyway, these are the mods i've installed recently to spice things upward.
Oh, one more matter that lands in the eye processed catagory......'Tamriel Reloaded'. Many will probably rip this one because of occasional texture resolution fophas, but, if you like the "midevil" type experience to your game world, you will love this. ...Won't put your frame rates into the mud either.
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Posted 26 March 2014 - 03:00 PM
I would advise looking at these mods from Erkeil, they modify AI combat behavior and much much more.
He used to be on the nexus and hes mods were very popular here, but y'all know...harsh moderator actions and all that.
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Posted 26 March 2014 - 06:56 PM
I'thousand only on my 2nd playthrough (my first i kind of got boring and fizzled out last yr). One affair that made a huge difference was function-playing a little bit more, and as well pursuing the master quest (or just whatever quest line you haven't done all the same -- and can even just role-play it more strictly). I would previously get mired in side-quests and get bored of dungeon-diving, etc.
I also tried a different play style (played archer in Oblivion, started as a new-to-me warrior character in Skyrim then got bored) -- generally an assassin-type character. I really just played Dishonored earlier coming dorsum to Skyrim so I kind of modeled the grapheme after that game, and even installed the Void Walker mod to get similar spells.
After completing the main quest, I semi-retired and went to the Higher, and started to transition into magic-use. I'm not sure if you've played a lot at higher levels, and then it can alter the game slightly.
I'll agree with above that CCO can be fun -- I used that for my electric current character as well as alternate start and AFT.
For additional mods, I would highly recommend the Vilja companion mod if you haven't used information technology before. I used it in Oblivion (and a little in Skyrim), and she really added a lot of life to the game.
Other ideas -- take you tried playing as a strict bard? Or like others have said, just do builds with crazy limitations -- naked chef? sure
Edited by ponyboy10, 26 March 2014 - 06:57 PM.
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